Faculty of Letters,
With its education in the fields of language, literature, philosophy, psychology, psychology, archaeology, history and social sciences, it offers a qualified education that develops students' thinking and problem-solving skills while teaching existence, human, culture and civilisations, national and universal values.
Interdisciplinary and multidimensional perspective is the basic philosophy of our education programmes.
While providing education and counselling services to its students with its competent and experienced academic staff, it contributes to their preparation for life.
It offers domestic and international student exchange mobility such as Erasmus, Farabi, Mevlana with minor and double major programmes within the faculty and university.
By providing student clubs and other activities with the opportunity to actively participate in scientific, social and cultural activities;
While raising individuals who learn while having fun, socialise while learning, question, research, and acquire national and universal values;
It offers its graduates rich knowledge, skills and practical experience with the competence to produce services for today's and future needs in the public and private sectors.
We invite you;
To be the information professionals required by the information age with the Information and Document Management department,
To research past civilisations and lives through the Art History department and Archaeology studies,
To learn the Turkic world and its languages with the Department of Contemporary Turkic Dialects and Literatures,
To think and comprehend with the Philosophy department,
To look at social problems with the Sociology department,
To guide the future by learning the past with the History Department,
To get to know people through Psychology,
To learn languages with the Department of Translation and Interpreting,
We invite you to join us.
Prof. Dr Birgül KOÇAK OKSEV