Barrier-Free Faculty
Access in Space and Accessibility in Education
Bartın University Faculty of Literature received the Orange Flag award in the category of Accessibility in Space at the 2019 Barrier-Free University Awards. In our faculty, the improvements made to increase accessibility in space are organized by all the needs of our disabled students. The physical infrastructure of our faculty is designed in such a way that our disabled students can move comfortably and do not encounter any difficulties. For our disabled students to use the administrative and classroom faculty buildings comfortably, sensible floor (visually impaired walking path) systems have been added to the roads leading to the faculty, classroom entrances, elevator and staircase fronts, and direction signs have been added to the stair steps, department entrances, entrances to the lecturer rooms, and entrances to the rooms where administrative work will be done. Physical improvements have been made in our faculty's Mehmet Akif Ersoy Verbal Classroom building for the use of our disabled students. These are disabled elevators, disabled sinks, adjustable windows with disabled locks in the classrooms, sensible floors, and direction signs in the building.
Our faculty was nominated in the Accessibility in Education category at the 2021 Barrier-Free University Awards. To ensure accessibility in education healthily, our faculty takes necessary measures and includes various practices. Some of these measures and procedures can be listed as follows:
- Lectures are allowed to be recorded with an audio recorder, and disabled students are provided with access to audio recordings of lectures.
- Access to lecture notes and presentations is provided for disabled students.
- By evaluating the requests of our students with disabilities, exam programs are arranged so that there are at most two exams in one day. When necessary, it is possible for them to take exams individually and to take exams in different formats.
- Students with disabilities are provided with readers, markers/printers, and additional exam time.
- There is a warning about disability status in the syllabi of all courses, and the syllabi of all classes are accessible to students with disabilities.
- Academic support, course partnering, and delivery of the notes kept in the courses to our students are provided for our students with disabilities.
- Lecture notes and presentations are provided in electronic formats, audio recordings, or printed in Braille.
- For students with disabilities, visual and audio elements are used in lectures and exams to increase the comprehensibility of subjects and questions, and technological materials that convert written course materials into audio are provided.
- Through the Barrier-Free Faculty Volunteer Application Form on the website of our faculty, students, and university staff who want to support the education of our disabled students, voice their problems, and produce solutions that are reached.